Monday 30 September 2013

30th September

Welcome to the last day of the project - I can't believe it has finished already! It's been an interesting time, very challenging, difficult with ups and downs. 

Today came and went with nothing of note. I went to work, applied for another job, came home. Hubby was going to be out most of the night too so it was just me and Jess. Thanks for keeping me company Jess. xx. Today is an uneventful nude colour.

When I started this project, I had no idea how it would turn out, whether it would be of value or interest to anyone else. I have had lots of followers and I thank you all. I hope you try the same thing yourselves as it's interesting to see the differences in the days of the month when you look back. We all go through the motions each day without thinking about the impact on ourselves. I hope I can promote this project for self-evaluation and for it to be used as a way of coping through tricky times in life. I have already had some feedback in how it can be put into practice, so I am thrilled about that.

I have all my colours now. Looking back it's odd to see how the colours have changed. They started off quite bright and breezy then throughout the month got darker, more sombre through to pale and nondescript. When I started the project I had no idea that September 2013 would be one of the most challenging months in my life recently. I have been able to remove myself from the immediate impact of each day by reflecting and challenging myself to allocate a colour to the overall feel of each day. That process has helped me to cope no-end.

I will be starting on the final, larger piece of artwork, inspired by the 30 days of colours soon and I will update you all on the progress through this blog. I hope you will come to see the project through to its completion - it will be on show at Wolverhampton Art Gallery between 8th February and 8th March 2014, all going to plan.

So, until then, take care and try your own Shades of Days in your diaries. Let me know how you get on. You can email your colours to me at and I will upload them onto my blog.

See you all soon, Claire x

P.S. I reached over 1000 page views on my blog - thanks to each and every one of you. C x

Sunday 29 September 2013

29th September

Sunday. I didn't sleep last night. What with Robyn having left for Uni (and feeling like I've lost my best friend), loosing my job and now things going wrong at home between me and hubby, I have a lot on my mind. I just want hubby to see that the stress he is under at work makes him temperamental at home and (being female) I will react to that. There's such a lot to talk about yet we can't communicate. I will keep trying though. He is worth it.

I was in my own all day today. Jess and Joe spent all day together (a lot of it sleeping) and they are very happy. I had a lot of thinking time by myself. I haven't come to any conclusions but I hope I make myself a better person nonetheless.

It was a beautifully warm day today. Blue skies and vibrant colours. It didn't rub off on me though. Shame. Robyn is still feeling poorly. It was lovely to speak to her. I spent a long time on the phone to Mum. Thanks for your 'ear' Mum. x All helps.

Today is a lonely blue day. I really, really hope things pick up tomorrow.

28th September

Saturday. It should be a day of rest but I was pre-occupied. Did some gardening with Jess and Joe and I cleaned out the bunny's cage before walking to the local shops with J&J to get some fresh buns for lunch. We had a really nice time together. There's a new cafe opened at our local shops so we will try it out sometime.

6pm. Took Jess and Joe to a house party. A friend of Jess's - 15 year old boy- has the house to himself and his parents told him he could have some friends round to play Grand Theft Auto 5. Jess has boys as friends and was invited too. Poor parents! I dropped them off then went round to watch Strictly Come Dancing with my parents.

10.30pm. I picked up J&J from the party. It seemed not to have been too bad. At least the house was still standing. Went home and I decided to keep out of hubby's way as it seemed best to give him space. I hope he's better in the morning. I am still feeling very under the weather.

Today is a browny-grey day. Things must start to pick up tomorrow.

27th September

I was feeling very rough today. I struggled on at work as I didn't want to leave and let people down. I had to tell quite a few artists about my position at work and I had some very nice comments about what I had achieved.

3pm. I began to feel sick and faint so I called the doctor's surgery and got an appointment for 4.50pm. I hung on at work until it was time to leave. What a struggle.

5pm. Waiting to see the doctor. I managed to get to see a very nice one so I was not anxious. 5.40pm - got to see him! He told me I had a virus so there's nothing he can do to help. Fair enough. I asked about building up my immunity so I can shake the virus off and he came up blank. Great.

6.30pm. Got home. It was lovely seeing hubby and Jess. She had gone to school and felt good today. Unfortunately, hubby and I didn't quite see the evening through. In fact we had an awful night and I ended up sleeping on the sofa. He can be Jekyl and Hyde and I never know which one will turn up when. He is so under stress though. I do understand.

Today is a rotten feeling grey day.

Thursday 26 September 2013

26th September

Today was marginally better. Definitely helped by Sudofed too! It was the only way I could get up and about. It kept me going throughout the day. I found a few interesting looking jobs online but my confidence always stops me thinking I can do it. Something else I need to address.

The highlight of my day was at around 2pm when hubby dropped off a hot chocolate to me at work on his way to a meeting. That was really sweet of him. I really hope he manages to get through the next 6 months at work without going mad. It is so hard on him.

I have had to tell a few people at work about the redundancy and it's been a real surprise to read some of the emails I have had in return. The support for what I do is fantastic and that makes me feel that I've achieved something in my role.

5.20pm. Home and Robyn was on Skype. Jess and I chatted to her for about 10 minutes. Great to actually see her in her room talking to us. She has enjoyed Freshers' week at Uni.

Jess didn't go into school today as we needed to ensure her lurgy was on the way out. She's ready to go back tomorrow. I have an early start at work so it's early to bed for me- 9pm!

Today is a more confident green day, given that I am coping.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

25th September

Sometimes only a cow print onesy will do! My bed called to me for most of the day and I know that it's because of my throat and lurgy.

Work was pretty much the same as yesterday - spending a lot of the time job hunting. I was on my own today and the place felt different. Probably because my relationship with the centre has changed. I am standing back from actively promoting it as I won't be there to carry out developments and I have no idea how it will run next year, not that it's my concern anymore.

5pm. Jess was off school again today but fancied a MacD when I got home - obviously feeling better - phew! We went to the drive-through then home to rest. All I want is my bed. My throat is so sore, I can feel it all the time. I have to open up at the centre tomorrow and Friday so I am not sure when I can get to the docs. I don't want to let anyone down either but I know I have to look after myself, especially with my low immunity.

The weather was warm again today - very nice. It raised my spirits but couldn't stop me feeling rough. So today is a beige day.

24th September

Jess is still too poorly for school. I feel bad that she has to stay at home on her own again but she sleeps most of the day anyway. She doesn't eat much either. I got to work and tried to deal with current projects in progress, although I can only do so much with tying up loose ends. So I spend the rest of the afternoon job hunting and helping Nicki set out the seats etc.

My throat is still deep red and sore- I am going to have to get to the doctors soon as it's not going away on its own accord.

5pm. Home to see Jess. Got round to having a sit down before getting ready to see my friend Lyn. Saw hubby for about 1 hour.

7pm. Out to meet Lyn. She lives quite far away so we meet half way at a pub on the A5. It was refreshing to see her and a great way to let off steam. We talk about everything in our lives and offer advice to each other. Hope all goes well with her at work and home. x

Robyn had her first proper day at her course today. She said she felt like it was the first day of school. Dressed all in black too.

Today is a poorly feeling pale blue.

Monday 23 September 2013

23rd September

Jess started to get worse so I took her to the doctors this morning. Antibiotics and linctus for her. I got to work and felt dreadful - a bit because of the situation but mainly as I have come down with Robyn and Jess's lurgies. Great.

12noon. After a tearful start to my working day I decided to just get on with it - unsurprisingly as there isn't anything else to do. I did a lot of job hunting and letting people down - people with whom I have arts projects planned next year. Everyone has been so supportive. I need time to think about the future too - what I want to do, where I want to be etc.

5pm. I picked up Jess from my parents' house (where I left her this morning). Mum looks loads better as she has had some sort of steroid injections in her back and she is getting around so much better. Keep it up Mum xx. Jess and I got home and settled - in bed by 8.30pm, after doing a little artwork.

So not too much to write about today. All about coping with the situation and picking up the pieces. Today is a murky green colour.

Sunday 22 September 2013

22nd September

I woke early, even though I had promised myself a lie in after yesterday. Robyn and I spent most of the day together, getting lunch and her things ready for Uni. She's looking forward to returning to her flat mates so I am glad she has settled in well. Jess is a little better but still not right. Joe has come round to make her feel better - ahhh! Hubby mowing the lawn and doing those 'man' jobs like fixing drains.

1pm. Shopping. I am so aware of the cost of things - more than before - now that I know my income will stop soon. We have just managed to get ourselves 'comfortable' at home with money so the redundancy is a real blow to all our hard work trying to get to where we want to be. 

3pm. Dinner with all the family. It was such a warm day that we ate outside on the patio. Robyn aimed to get the 4.19pm train to Manchester and we saw it leave the platform just as we got to the station. Never mind, it meant we got an extra 30 mins with her. She was off out to a party later and very excited. I spent the evening with Jess watching Disney films. Well needed escapism.

Today is a tired but mellow Pink day.

21st September

6.30am. On way to work for the Netherton Heritage Day. It takes me a year to organise this event from road closure, licenses, attracting stall holders, funfair provider, market stall hirers, radio roadshow, acts, activities, entertainment, food and lots more... providing a fun day for the community.

As a council officer, I have always believed that I should do what I can to help those in the borough - to make a difference. Now that I know my time in this role is coming to an end I really hope I have achieved that and made a difference. I also hope I have inspired others to do the same. I founded the Netherton Days by being inspired by events in my life - others can do the same if they try.

The day went pretty much as planned. My heart wasn't in it but I managed to smile and help out nevertheless. A friend (who reads this blog) found me and gave me a big hug to say how sorry he was to hear my news - that made my day! Thanks Steven. 

Robyn came with me and helped out all day, despite being a bit under the weather still. It was great to have her along as she has helped out at every one of these events. Thanks Robyn too. Love you.

Today was going to be a shiny gold day but I couldn't quite do it (sorry Steve). How about an orange day instead? That I can do.

Friday 20 September 2013

20th September

9am. Work. I decided to carry on as normal for the time being as I have at least 4 months left at work - apparently! It was strange being at my desk though. I couldn't quite get it together. I felt at a bit of a loss - very surreal.

Setting up for tomorrow's street event. The set up felt busy but it was almost as if I was watching from afar rather than co-ordinating. Nicki was fantastic at work. She is being very supportive and even bought me a shortcake cookie with a smiley face on it to cheer me up. I wasn't sure what to say to clients today either, as until the process of being made redundant is actually underway, I can't say very much - no idea what will happen next year and, to be honest, it's none of my business anymore.

Both Robyn and Jess stayed in bed at home today. Both poorly - oh dear! I did my mumsy bit and cared for them when I got home. Robyn is helping me tomorrow so we both hope she feels better in the morning. Hubby worked late today.

Today is a surreal 'nude' day - if I could make it transparent I would.

Thursday 19 September 2013

19th September

A bad day today. I'm sure they will get easier soon. I went into work then came home again. I felt guilty about not being there which is ironic considering I won't have any work from January. I thought I would give myself today to feel sorry for myself and hope that tomorrow is better. I am organising a massive street event on Saturday and my enthusiasm is rock bottom. Trying to be professional, however, so I will do what I can.

It's been difficult between me and Hubby. He was the one who had to tell me I am being made redundant at work. It must have been hard on him. He tries so hard.

Robyn came home today so she can help out at the event on Saturday. It was great to all sit around the table. Jess is still feeing unwell so I will get her to the doctors soon.

I have a new inhaler today - that's the most interesting thing to happen to me in a totally non-emotional way! I wish I was a cat today - no stress.

I think today is a red day - too many feelings floating around for it to be anything else.

18th September

A very flat day today. 9am - I went to the hospital (nothing serious) for an appointment which had been put off for months by the NHS, only to find I was seeing my own doctor! I couldn't believe it - I could have seen him months ago at my own surgery. Ho hum.

Work was flat. Not surprising really. I have lost all inspiration. Still trying to make the most of the time I have left - I want to be professional but it's very hard work putting on a brave face.

5pm. I picked up Jess and went to Mum and Dad's for tea. It was great to spend time with them and take my mind off things. Jess went dressed as a strawberry (onesy). She cheers me up no end. Thanks for being you Jess!

Robyn may be coming home tomorrow for a few days before her course starts properly. We all miss her loads so it will be fantastic to see her, even if it hasn't even been a week yet!. She seems happy.

Today is a flat browny-grey day. Sorry to be predictable...

Tuesday 17 September 2013

17th September

I am all over the place today. Not feeling too well either. Today is all about work. I have had some bad news today. Nothing I didn't already expect. I even had an idea about it in the past couple of months. Nothing new in today's workplace either.

So I've been thinking about work a lot. Where will I be in ten year's time? Five year's time? One year's time? What are my options? Everyone gets to that stage at some point. The problem I have is that I love what I do, what I've made of the Centre and the development created. Yes, I have considered other roles recently and had a couple of interviews but at the back of my mind I always knew where I wanted to be. Perhaps I am too settled, too happy with the status quo - but what's wrong with that if it works for me? Only on this occasion it hasn't turned out as I had hoped.

So... disappointment, disillusion, feeling undervalued - I'm really not sure what colour that would be. I am going to go with Grey as I feel blended into the background today. Just another number cruncher's victim.

Monday 16 September 2013

16th September

Morning. I got up to take Jess to school. Hubby usually drops her off on his way to work but he had to go in earlier than usual this morning. It was refreshing to spend the morning with her. I then spent 2 and a half hours cleaning the house before having a lovely hot bath and getting ready for work. I started late today as I was staying to cover an exhibition opening between 7pm and 9pm.

1pm. Got to work. Very tired (as always) and feeling a bit under the weather - sore throat and heavy limbs - that type of thing. The day went OK.

5pm. Getting ready for the opening. Lovely artist. He has lots of stories - has seen the world and is an interesting man. The event went well and I felt good for him as he was nervous about the turn-out. All friendly visitors too.

9.15pm. Home. I spoke to Robyn all the way home (hands-free of course!) That was lovely. We chatted about our days and what we were doing tomorrow. She's had her induction on her course - only in 2 days a week!

Well, today came and went - a placid day. It felt Yellow.

15th September

I didn't sleep last night. I was too upset to sleep, it all felt wrong at home. I did my best to keep the tears at bay and carry on. I clean when I get emotional, happy or sad. So this morning was spent doing laundry, the kitchen, emptying bins, tidying - you name it.

1.30pm. Joe came round to see Jess and we went up town. I forgot to eat so by the time 3.30pm came round I was like a zombie - what with no sleep too. Jess is happy, so that's nice. Hubby was out at a works do today.

5pm. Tried to have a nap and watch a film. My mind kept wandering off to Robyn - what was she doing, was she OK etc.. We sent each other some texts and I spoke to her a couple of times today. I am trying to remember that she will be back before I know it / will be visiting her soon. She is off out tonight so her peers seem to be looking after her.

It's cold and miserable today - a bit like me! Today is defo a Blue day. I'm thinking about the shade of blue, so watch this space for the result.

Saturday 14 September 2013

14th September

Today's the day. The morning started with all 4 of us in the bed, snuggled up watching morning telly. Grandad came round with croissants so we ate them in our PJ's with lots of tea. Jess dressed a pig onesy and Robyn in a cow onsey. Very funny morning. Then it was time to get the last of the bits together to pack the car. I really don't know how we did it but we got everything plus the 4 of us into the car! Ready to go now. We stopped off for a hot choc on the motorway, passing loads of other cars piled high with stuff and nervous looking passengers. It seemed like we were just going on a family day out - so surreal. 

3pm. Arrived at the student village. Loads of people arriving and tearful parents leaving. After unpacking, we went to get the food shopping for the flat and stopped for a burger for tea. Lovely. Robyn was so strong in holding it all together. Still all very surreal. 

When it was time to leave, Robyn looked very settled in her new flat but a little girl underneath. I wanted to hold her forever. The transition is so hard yet she did so well - very proud Mum. x. Jess found it hard to say Goodbye. I felt really sorry for Jess as she is such a together person on the outside yet I can see her vulnerable self. Leaving Robyn today was like leaving your heart behind. Hubby used a lot of tissues too. No dry eyes for quite a while in the car.

Robyn had been invited out by her flat mates so they will soon settle in and love it. We returned to a not quite empty nest. Same but different. I can't wait to see her again, already. I really want to give Jess a hug too to make her feel better but she doesn't 'do' hugs much. 

Sometimes, being a Mum is like the best love affair in the world. The flipside is you get the heartache of the century too. The flashbacks to Robyn being a little girl surprised me. It's not as if I'll never see her again but it's such a milestone watching them become young adults and leaving to start their own fantastic journey. The way of the world. I know Robyn knows how much I love her. I hope Jess does too. They are so different. It's brilliant and frustrating and I love them equally. Listen to me going all slushy! I hope I've pulled myself together by tomorrow.

Nicki is getting in extra supplies of tissues in the office for Monday - bless her.
The day has made me think how hard it must have been for my parents when I left home. Or maybe they enjoyed the peace and quiet! I didn't go too far away from home and I loved seeing them every now and then. I hope they did too. I hope Robyn will want visits now and then too - but as long as she is happy and OK, I am happy for her. 

So, my phone will always be left on now - just in case (for both daughter's of course - any time) and I will get Robyn's room ready for when she comes home - arms open, smile from ear to ear.

Today's emotional yo-yo colour is Deep Purple. xxxx

13th September

Apologies, once more, for forgetting to upload my blog yesterday, there was quite a bit going on what with packing etc. - but here it is.

Showered and washed my hair first thing. I had plenty of time so no-one was more surprised than me to find I was behind the morning schedule. A bit of a rush ensued. On my own at work today. Sometimes it still feels weird as there used to be quite a large team at the centre at one point.

12.30pm. An artist came to set up his exhibition. A very pleasant chappie too. That's one of the perks of doing my job - I get to meet a lot of people and artists. I hope he does well.

2.30pm. I went to a colleague's leaving do. Jobs aren't replaced now when someone leaves in the public sector and it seems like more and more are leaving with no-one left to fill the gaps. How will services will be tun in the future? - By private companies if Cameron has anything to do with it and I'm not sure that growth and profit should come before people.

7pm. Home with the girls, hubby and my parents. We are having a family meal to celebrate Robyn going off to Uni tomorrow. A mixture of pride, happiness and sadness washes over me from time to time. I wish her all the luck in the world. Robyn and I stay up together for as long as possible.

Today is a mixture of emotions - a Deep Red day. That's it.

Thursday 12 September 2013

12th September

9am. Robyn was at work with me today. Her last shift before Uni. We were quite busy too. I had a few testing moments from clients - all part of the job, being in a front-line service.

1pm. Jacket potato for lunch for us both. Yum. It started off cloudy and cold again then turned really warm in the afternoon. What is that all about? It was defo hotter outside than in the building.

5pm. Went to Merry Hill with Robyn to get final, final bits for Uni. Honestly. Spent far too much and had a right to-do at the till in Debenhams - another testing time today.

7pm. Stuck in a traffic Jam. Hurrah! Tired legs, tired eyes, just tired, really. Wanting to get home to have a bath and stop. Got home about 7.40pm - both girls had showers so no bath for me tonight. Never mind. Jess is a lot better and very chatty - sweet. She makes me smile. Robyn is off out with her friends. Hubby cooked sausage and mash.

9pm. In bed writing this. A testing day today. It feels Orangey - Purple. I've no idea why - the colours just feel right. Until tomorrow. C x

Wednesday 11 September 2013

11th September

I woke up with a sore throat - thanks Jess. Jess feels rough today but still manages to get herself to school. Well done sweetheart.

9am. At work. Everyone is having a laugh which helped the morning tremendously. Today went quickly and felt like things were achieved. Hi to Nicki too! :) There's a small team of us at the Arts Centre and we all get on rather well.

Had some good news today. A group of us have been selected to put on an exhibition at Wolverhampton Art Gallery next year. Hurrah! This will be my first one where I will have to produce a number of pieces so I am quite excited about that (if a little worried my work will be shown up by the other artists!).

2pm. The weather turned cold today. It felt wintery, even though a week ago was lovely and warm. The change in the weather can affect me quite a bit, just like everyone else, I suppose. We're still zoned into our animalistic instincts to curl up under a blanket when it's miserable outside.

5pm. Home. Found Jess in bed, awww. Robyn has cooked tea, she practiced Spag Bol tonight. Apart from doing some artwork, watching a bit of telly with Robyn and helping with a jigsaw I didn't do very much. That suited me today.

Today's colour is a Bluey-Grey. Particularly as Saturday is getting closer. Oh dear. 

P.S. I thought you might like to see a picture of my artwork at the mac: (not the one on the left!).

Tuesday 10 September 2013

10th September

A slow start to the day. This morning seemed to go on for ages. I was on my own at work again today. One of those days which dragged on and on too. I managed to get quite a bit done, even so. Cold this morning too - had the heater on at work.

5.30pm. I picked up Jess from home. She is quite poorly with a cough, cold and cluster headaches. Poor thing. She is 15 too, so hormones all over the place. We went to Mum's house to meet Robyn then shopping for our tea. Robyn drove her purple Herbert and did really well.

7pm. Home at last and I headed straight for the bath - soooo relaxing. I love reading in the bath, it takes me away. The girls cooked their own tea tonight  - pizza and pie (not together!). Robyn is out with her friends before they all head off on Saturday.

9pm. Bed. Some TV. Hubby is out and being very stingy with his texts to me so I don't know what time he is home.

Today is a tired, uninspired, dull brown day. Sorry to be so obvious, but no other colour seems to fit. I hope tomorrow is a bit brighter. C x

P.S. It's also the colour of chocolate which is very much in demand on days like today, so perhaps the colour fits better than I initially thought! C.

Monday 9 September 2013

9th September

Monday morning. Oh dear. It took ages to get to sleep last night and the alarm went off all too quickly this morning in my opinion.

Work was work - came and went. Robyn has a casual shift at the Arts Centre and came into work with me this morning. I will miss driving in with her (even if we don't say a lot to each other on sleepy mornings!) and her company throughout the day. I had a blood test first thing and had to wait 45 minutes to see the phlebotomist - great.

5pm. Home. Ahhhh. Lovely to see Jess back from her first day of year 11. I can't believe she is in her final GCSE year already. A Levels next year too. They are growing up sooo quickly. Yes, I know every parent says the same... but still...

7pm. I had an Arts Group meeting at The Combermere Arms in Chapel Ash this evening. It was nice to see my friends. We are organising an Arts Festival which takes place each summer - called The Junction Festival.

9pm. Home at last. Bit of TV then bed. Today is an interesting, creative purple day.

See you tomorrow. C x

Sunday 8 September 2013

8th September

Nice lie in today. I managed to stay in bed til 9.30am. Wow. I went to the mac (Midland Arts Centre) with hubby this morning to see a piece of artwork I submitted for their Open. We got there to find that my details had been left off all information to do with the artists. I had a nice walk and hot choc with hubby at Cannon Hill Park though.

2pm. Met Robyn up town (Wolverhampton) to get her things for Uni. More make-up and hair stuff - the amount of equipment they ask the students to bring for the Make-up Artistry course is incredible. We worked out that if we had bought everything from the college kit lists they provided with her Uni pack, it would have cost us over £1000. On top of fees, loans, living allowance etc. Incredible.

We spent all afternoon up town (and all my money) but it was lovely to spend time with Robyn.

6pm. Mum and Dad are coming round for Sunday tea - duck followed by fruit compote with ice cream. Yum! Robyn and I are watching rubbishy films on the telly and relaxing tonight. Lovely! I've done enough rushing, sorting, chores etc for one week. I've even crimped my hair - looks a bit poodle-y though.

I've had some inspiration for other pieces of artwork and I've started a piece based on our family holiday to Rapallo, Italy this August. So today is an inspirational, arty, pale but warm Orange.

P.S still missing Jess but she is home tomorrow. X

Saturday 7 September 2013

7th September

Ahhh, it's the weekend. Nice lie in til 8.30am - can't sleep. Boo.

Why is applying for new things always so difficult? I spent an hour this morning sorting out Robyn's student finance (which should have already arrived, yet hasn't) and her student bank account. I ended up sending a really nice email to the complaints department. Ho hum.

2pm. Met Mum and Dad at Bantock House for lunch. There was a 40's day on. Very quiet though, but it was lovely to see them both. Time has run away today so I'm not sure that I will get everything done that is required before Robyn goes to Uni next Saturday. 

4pm. Collected a piece of art work, 'Lady in Waiting', from Weston Park's Open exhibition. I was one of 250 who submitted a piece for the Open and one of 80 who were accepted. Get me!

7pm. I am sooo happy that 'Strictly' is back on telly. Yay! I enjoyed watching it tonight so much. Is it me or are the male dancers a little more toned this year?

9pm. Went out to gate-crash an 18th Birthday Party. Actually, we were invited to attend by the DJ, Robyn's God Father. It was loads of fun. We left when the cake fight started. Oh to be young!

So, an enjoyable and eventful day today and I think that it just may be a Pink day. See you tomorrow. X

P.S missing Jess, as expected too.

Friday 6 September 2013

6th September

So.. it was always going to happen, and it did. I forgot to Blog my diary yesterday. Sorry All.

Everyone has come down with a cold at home. Hurrah! With my immunity being non-existent it's not surprising that my condition has worsened. It's a real struggle to get up in the morning and not feel tired all day long.

Work was testing today. Things didn't go as I had expected them to and I ended up feeling rather frustrated. So I came home with a headache, although the cold might be adding to that too.

Jess is off to her Dad's for the weekend. I will miss her loads, as always. But I hope she has a great time. She will be seeing her BF, so all is well there. Robyn got to bed at 7am this morning - so inevitably was still in bed when I got home from work. She had a fab night out in Brum though - that's what being young is all about. Neither girls had cleared the kitchen today and left it for me to find upon my return. Thanks both.

So, today's colour is a disgruntled mauve. I don't really know what colour says disgruntled but I decided mauve was close enough to how I felt.

Image of the painting so far - Days 1 to 6. 

5th September

I know - I forgot to upload the Blog yesterday, and I am writing Day 5 on Day 6. It happens - get over it!

So, AM: I managed to get my breakfast at around 10am as it was quite a rush this morning. I was on my own at work so I was busy running up and down the stairs all day. Who needs the gym!

Beautiful day. Very warm, once more. I wore a vibrant blue jump suit today. Had some good feedback about this project too. I am thinking about creative ways to take the project forward, including hubby writing an accessible piece of music to go alongside the finished piece. Vision, vision..

Both girls at home together today. Jess got up at 1.30pm but also did all the ironing - Gosh. The basket was overflowing so well done her. Robyn has her provisional driving license and a little purple car. She goes out driving each day with me and she is doing tremendously well. She's out clubbing tonight in Birmingham - practice for uni, me thinks.

Nothing much of note has happened today but that's good. Today is a sunshine yellow day - the sort of day when it all goes OK and feels good.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

4th September

7.30am: Snooze... then snooze again. Another lovely warm day today - yet again. What is up with our weather? Went to have a blood test but it would have taken too long so I didn't stop.

1pm: Dad's home-made scotch egg for lunch. It filled me up right through to 7pm. Got through a lot of tasks at work today and I am finally feeling on top of things after the summer break.

5pm: Had to get Jess to the doctors as her jelly fish stings have blistered. Don't ask! No, she wasn't stung in Wolverhampton... Out of a hundred bathers in the Med it would have to happen to her on holiday. I sat in the garden with my Dad for 25mins just before the trip to the docs. That was the best part of my day. He was fast asleep but it felt so nice and relaxed. Mum looks much better today.

We are going to Bridgnorth later on tonight, then to Much Wenlock to take Jess's BF (Joe) home. That will be nice as I get to spend time with hubby (it doesn't happen much these days).

Today's colour is a chilled yet vibrant tone of Green as the countryside is so pretty this time of year - I love it! And it makes me feel great. I will try to remember to upload another picture of the colours so far tomorrow too.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

3rd September

Ok. So day 3 is upon me and I haven't given up on the Blogging yet! 

It was hard to get up to the alarm this morning, although I had slept a lot better last night. Today, work was VERY busy - not a second to myself. Am slowly getting through the 211 emails from yesterday but more keep landing in the inbox too. It's actually good that work is busy - I prefer it to when it's quiet - although we don't have enough staff for all the tasks at hand. I manage an Arts Centre and today I helped to set the full seating layout with my colleague Nicki, on top of all the other tasks I have to do. We had a laugh doing it though.

2pm onwards: The day went very quickly with drop in visits at work on top of all the other things (invoicing / commissioning / networking / programming / event management etc..). The day started out quite cold (I had to put the heater on in my office first thing) but ended up a beautiful, warm day. Indian Summer perhaps?

5ish... It is absolutely lovely to go home to both my daughters Robyn and Jess. Make-up and hair stuff everywhere! Including all the equipment Robyn needs for her Make-up Artistry course at Manchester. She goes in 2 weeks time so it's rather strange at the moment. Jess was in one of her 'chatty' moods today, which is very cute. Missing her BF too. Ahhh!

Really nice atmosphere today and I have felt in a great mood, chilled and happy. Colour for today? A Pinky-Yellow, I think.

Monday 2 September 2013

2nd September 2013

So, it's day 2 and I've managed to get back into my Blog to write the next day of my colour diary - I am rather proud of myself.

Day 2 began very sleepily as I didn't get much sleep as I was worrying about returning to work and having to answer hundreds of emails. 211 to be precise! After a rather busy morning the day got much better for having shared a hot chocolate at lunch with hubby (yum) and meeting a rather delightful client who made me laugh a lot - a fellow from Netherton who writes and performs about the Black Country dialect.

The sadness from yesterday stayed with me all morning but went around lunch time. Hopefully gone for a long while now. We'll see...

Such a beautiful day today, the colours around me made me smile. There was still heat in the air too - not the usual September breeze -  and that took me back to my holiday at Rapallo on the Italian Riviera. The colours there are amazing. Today's bright sky and cheery atmosphere (not to mention surviving the return to work) seem to steer me towards a brighter blue day, maybe with a hint of yellow here and there. The pull of the colours outside made me want to go for a walk when I got home but it turned out to be too late once tea was ready and chores completed. Maybe tomorrow. I feel optimistic about Tuesday.

I have uploaded a pic of 30 Shades of Days with the first 2 days added for you to see. I will use this smaller colour diary to create the whole of September and then I am thinking about using it to inspire a larger piece of artwork with the same colours, but perhaps more detail... watch this space!

Sunday 1 September 2013

Day 1. 1st September 2013

Hi. This blog is linked to a piece of artwork entitled '30 Shades of Days', created by me. Throughout September 2013, I will be keeping a written daily diary then posting about each day through my blog. I will then decide upon a particular hue/tone/shade of colour which feels right for that day. For example a happy day may be allocated a bright yellow or orange.

Each colour will be used in a painting which I will be completing alongside this blog to create a piece of artwork which reflects how I felt throughout September. An 'up and down' day may be translated by mixed media but still in one shade/tone of colour. It's a colour diary which you are very welcome to tag along with.

I aim to be as honest as possible, whilst protecting my immediate family, of course. The aim is to document contemporary life in 2013 for a 43 year old working mother - I hope you find it interesting and familiar.

So... here goes for 1st September. Enjoy.

Very tired today as I didn't get much sleep. Nothing new there due to the snoring (not my own!) but that resulted in a fuzzy kind of morning and afternoon. I went out with my eldest daughter, Robyn, and spent a quiet afternoon at a tea shop at Bantock Park - lovely weather, very relaxed atmosphere. Jigsaw puzzles in the lounge, films on TV. Not a lot has happened today, but that suits me just right as it's my first day back at work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. So, I am feeling relaxed from the holiday, a little tired but also a little blue about the amount of emails I will get when back in the office tomorrow. Blue also to reflect a sadness I feel which I can't really describe but is sitting just below the surface all day long.

Today's colour has to be blue: a pale, subdued blue reflecting a relaxed, fuzzy and calm kind of day.