Sunday 29 September 2013

27th September

I was feeling very rough today. I struggled on at work as I didn't want to leave and let people down. I had to tell quite a few artists about my position at work and I had some very nice comments about what I had achieved.

3pm. I began to feel sick and faint so I called the doctor's surgery and got an appointment for 4.50pm. I hung on at work until it was time to leave. What a struggle.

5pm. Waiting to see the doctor. I managed to get to see a very nice one so I was not anxious. 5.40pm - got to see him! He told me I had a virus so there's nothing he can do to help. Fair enough. I asked about building up my immunity so I can shake the virus off and he came up blank. Great.

6.30pm. Got home. It was lovely seeing hubby and Jess. She had gone to school and felt good today. Unfortunately, hubby and I didn't quite see the evening through. In fact we had an awful night and I ended up sleeping on the sofa. He can be Jekyl and Hyde and I never know which one will turn up when. He is so under stress though. I do understand.

Today is a rotten feeling grey day.

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