Monday 16 September 2013

16th September

Morning. I got up to take Jess to school. Hubby usually drops her off on his way to work but he had to go in earlier than usual this morning. It was refreshing to spend the morning with her. I then spent 2 and a half hours cleaning the house before having a lovely hot bath and getting ready for work. I started late today as I was staying to cover an exhibition opening between 7pm and 9pm.

1pm. Got to work. Very tired (as always) and feeling a bit under the weather - sore throat and heavy limbs - that type of thing. The day went OK.

5pm. Getting ready for the opening. Lovely artist. He has lots of stories - has seen the world and is an interesting man. The event went well and I felt good for him as he was nervous about the turn-out. All friendly visitors too.

9.15pm. Home. I spoke to Robyn all the way home (hands-free of course!) That was lovely. We chatted about our days and what we were doing tomorrow. She's had her induction on her course - only in 2 days a week!

Well, today came and went - a placid day. It felt Yellow.

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