Monday 2 September 2013

2nd September 2013

So, it's day 2 and I've managed to get back into my Blog to write the next day of my colour diary - I am rather proud of myself.

Day 2 began very sleepily as I didn't get much sleep as I was worrying about returning to work and having to answer hundreds of emails. 211 to be precise! After a rather busy morning the day got much better for having shared a hot chocolate at lunch with hubby (yum) and meeting a rather delightful client who made me laugh a lot - a fellow from Netherton who writes and performs about the Black Country dialect.

The sadness from yesterday stayed with me all morning but went around lunch time. Hopefully gone for a long while now. We'll see...

Such a beautiful day today, the colours around me made me smile. There was still heat in the air too - not the usual September breeze -  and that took me back to my holiday at Rapallo on the Italian Riviera. The colours there are amazing. Today's bright sky and cheery atmosphere (not to mention surviving the return to work) seem to steer me towards a brighter blue day, maybe with a hint of yellow here and there. The pull of the colours outside made me want to go for a walk when I got home but it turned out to be too late once tea was ready and chores completed. Maybe tomorrow. I feel optimistic about Tuesday.

I have uploaded a pic of 30 Shades of Days with the first 2 days added for you to see. I will use this smaller colour diary to create the whole of September and then I am thinking about using it to inspire a larger piece of artwork with the same colours, but perhaps more detail... watch this space!

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