Monday 16 September 2013

15th September

I didn't sleep last night. I was too upset to sleep, it all felt wrong at home. I did my best to keep the tears at bay and carry on. I clean when I get emotional, happy or sad. So this morning was spent doing laundry, the kitchen, emptying bins, tidying - you name it.

1.30pm. Joe came round to see Jess and we went up town. I forgot to eat so by the time 3.30pm came round I was like a zombie - what with no sleep too. Jess is happy, so that's nice. Hubby was out at a works do today.

5pm. Tried to have a nap and watch a film. My mind kept wandering off to Robyn - what was she doing, was she OK etc.. We sent each other some texts and I spoke to her a couple of times today. I am trying to remember that she will be back before I know it / will be visiting her soon. She is off out tonight so her peers seem to be looking after her.

It's cold and miserable today - a bit like me! Today is defo a Blue day. I'm thinking about the shade of blue, so watch this space for the result.

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