Sunday 22 September 2013

22nd September

I woke early, even though I had promised myself a lie in after yesterday. Robyn and I spent most of the day together, getting lunch and her things ready for Uni. She's looking forward to returning to her flat mates so I am glad she has settled in well. Jess is a little better but still not right. Joe has come round to make her feel better - ahhh! Hubby mowing the lawn and doing those 'man' jobs like fixing drains.

1pm. Shopping. I am so aware of the cost of things - more than before - now that I know my income will stop soon. We have just managed to get ourselves 'comfortable' at home with money so the redundancy is a real blow to all our hard work trying to get to where we want to be. 

3pm. Dinner with all the family. It was such a warm day that we ate outside on the patio. Robyn aimed to get the 4.19pm train to Manchester and we saw it leave the platform just as we got to the station. Never mind, it meant we got an extra 30 mins with her. She was off out to a party later and very excited. I spent the evening with Jess watching Disney films. Well needed escapism.

Today is a tired but mellow Pink day.

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