Sunday 29 September 2013

29th September

Sunday. I didn't sleep last night. What with Robyn having left for Uni (and feeling like I've lost my best friend), loosing my job and now things going wrong at home between me and hubby, I have a lot on my mind. I just want hubby to see that the stress he is under at work makes him temperamental at home and (being female) I will react to that. There's such a lot to talk about yet we can't communicate. I will keep trying though. He is worth it.

I was in my own all day today. Jess and Joe spent all day together (a lot of it sleeping) and they are very happy. I had a lot of thinking time by myself. I haven't come to any conclusions but I hope I make myself a better person nonetheless.

It was a beautifully warm day today. Blue skies and vibrant colours. It didn't rub off on me though. Shame. Robyn is still feeling poorly. It was lovely to speak to her. I spent a long time on the phone to Mum. Thanks for your 'ear' Mum. x All helps.

Today is a lonely blue day. I really, really hope things pick up tomorrow.

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