Thursday 19 September 2013

19th September

A bad day today. I'm sure they will get easier soon. I went into work then came home again. I felt guilty about not being there which is ironic considering I won't have any work from January. I thought I would give myself today to feel sorry for myself and hope that tomorrow is better. I am organising a massive street event on Saturday and my enthusiasm is rock bottom. Trying to be professional, however, so I will do what I can.

It's been difficult between me and Hubby. He was the one who had to tell me I am being made redundant at work. It must have been hard on him. He tries so hard.

Robyn came home today so she can help out at the event on Saturday. It was great to all sit around the table. Jess is still feeing unwell so I will get her to the doctors soon.

I have a new inhaler today - that's the most interesting thing to happen to me in a totally non-emotional way! I wish I was a cat today - no stress.

I think today is a red day - too many feelings floating around for it to be anything else.

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