Sunday 8 September 2013

8th September

Nice lie in today. I managed to stay in bed til 9.30am. Wow. I went to the mac (Midland Arts Centre) with hubby this morning to see a piece of artwork I submitted for their Open. We got there to find that my details had been left off all information to do with the artists. I had a nice walk and hot choc with hubby at Cannon Hill Park though.

2pm. Met Robyn up town (Wolverhampton) to get her things for Uni. More make-up and hair stuff - the amount of equipment they ask the students to bring for the Make-up Artistry course is incredible. We worked out that if we had bought everything from the college kit lists they provided with her Uni pack, it would have cost us over £1000. On top of fees, loans, living allowance etc. Incredible.

We spent all afternoon up town (and all my money) but it was lovely to spend time with Robyn.

6pm. Mum and Dad are coming round for Sunday tea - duck followed by fruit compote with ice cream. Yum! Robyn and I are watching rubbishy films on the telly and relaxing tonight. Lovely! I've done enough rushing, sorting, chores etc for one week. I've even crimped my hair - looks a bit poodle-y though.

I've had some inspiration for other pieces of artwork and I've started a piece based on our family holiday to Rapallo, Italy this August. So today is an inspirational, arty, pale but warm Orange.

P.S still missing Jess but she is home tomorrow. X

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