Sunday 22 September 2013

21st September

6.30am. On way to work for the Netherton Heritage Day. It takes me a year to organise this event from road closure, licenses, attracting stall holders, funfair provider, market stall hirers, radio roadshow, acts, activities, entertainment, food and lots more... providing a fun day for the community.

As a council officer, I have always believed that I should do what I can to help those in the borough - to make a difference. Now that I know my time in this role is coming to an end I really hope I have achieved that and made a difference. I also hope I have inspired others to do the same. I founded the Netherton Days by being inspired by events in my life - others can do the same if they try.

The day went pretty much as planned. My heart wasn't in it but I managed to smile and help out nevertheless. A friend (who reads this blog) found me and gave me a big hug to say how sorry he was to hear my news - that made my day! Thanks Steven. 

Robyn came with me and helped out all day, despite being a bit under the weather still. It was great to have her along as she has helped out at every one of these events. Thanks Robyn too. Love you.

Today was going to be a shiny gold day but I couldn't quite do it (sorry Steve). How about an orange day instead? That I can do.

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