Wednesday 25 September 2013

25th September

Sometimes only a cow print onesy will do! My bed called to me for most of the day and I know that it's because of my throat and lurgy.

Work was pretty much the same as yesterday - spending a lot of the time job hunting. I was on my own today and the place felt different. Probably because my relationship with the centre has changed. I am standing back from actively promoting it as I won't be there to carry out developments and I have no idea how it will run next year, not that it's my concern anymore.

5pm. Jess was off school again today but fancied a MacD when I got home - obviously feeling better - phew! We went to the drive-through then home to rest. All I want is my bed. My throat is so sore, I can feel it all the time. I have to open up at the centre tomorrow and Friday so I am not sure when I can get to the docs. I don't want to let anyone down either but I know I have to look after myself, especially with my low immunity.

The weather was warm again today - very nice. It raised my spirits but couldn't stop me feeling rough. So today is a beige day.

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