Monday 30 September 2013

30th September

Welcome to the last day of the project - I can't believe it has finished already! It's been an interesting time, very challenging, difficult with ups and downs. 

Today came and went with nothing of note. I went to work, applied for another job, came home. Hubby was going to be out most of the night too so it was just me and Jess. Thanks for keeping me company Jess. xx. Today is an uneventful nude colour.

When I started this project, I had no idea how it would turn out, whether it would be of value or interest to anyone else. I have had lots of followers and I thank you all. I hope you try the same thing yourselves as it's interesting to see the differences in the days of the month when you look back. We all go through the motions each day without thinking about the impact on ourselves. I hope I can promote this project for self-evaluation and for it to be used as a way of coping through tricky times in life. I have already had some feedback in how it can be put into practice, so I am thrilled about that.

I have all my colours now. Looking back it's odd to see how the colours have changed. They started off quite bright and breezy then throughout the month got darker, more sombre through to pale and nondescript. When I started the project I had no idea that September 2013 would be one of the most challenging months in my life recently. I have been able to remove myself from the immediate impact of each day by reflecting and challenging myself to allocate a colour to the overall feel of each day. That process has helped me to cope no-end.

I will be starting on the final, larger piece of artwork, inspired by the 30 days of colours soon and I will update you all on the progress through this blog. I hope you will come to see the project through to its completion - it will be on show at Wolverhampton Art Gallery between 8th February and 8th March 2014, all going to plan.

So, until then, take care and try your own Shades of Days in your diaries. Let me know how you get on. You can email your colours to me at and I will upload them onto my blog.

See you all soon, Claire x

P.S. I reached over 1000 page views on my blog - thanks to each and every one of you. C x

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