Sunday 1 September 2013

Day 1. 1st September 2013

Hi. This blog is linked to a piece of artwork entitled '30 Shades of Days', created by me. Throughout September 2013, I will be keeping a written daily diary then posting about each day through my blog. I will then decide upon a particular hue/tone/shade of colour which feels right for that day. For example a happy day may be allocated a bright yellow or orange.

Each colour will be used in a painting which I will be completing alongside this blog to create a piece of artwork which reflects how I felt throughout September. An 'up and down' day may be translated by mixed media but still in one shade/tone of colour. It's a colour diary which you are very welcome to tag along with.

I aim to be as honest as possible, whilst protecting my immediate family, of course. The aim is to document contemporary life in 2013 for a 43 year old working mother - I hope you find it interesting and familiar.

So... here goes for 1st September. Enjoy.

Very tired today as I didn't get much sleep. Nothing new there due to the snoring (not my own!) but that resulted in a fuzzy kind of morning and afternoon. I went out with my eldest daughter, Robyn, and spent a quiet afternoon at a tea shop at Bantock Park - lovely weather, very relaxed atmosphere. Jigsaw puzzles in the lounge, films on TV. Not a lot has happened today, but that suits me just right as it's my first day back at work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. So, I am feeling relaxed from the holiday, a little tired but also a little blue about the amount of emails I will get when back in the office tomorrow. Blue also to reflect a sadness I feel which I can't really describe but is sitting just below the surface all day long.

Today's colour has to be blue: a pale, subdued blue reflecting a relaxed, fuzzy and calm kind of day.

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