Friday 6 September 2013

6th September

So.. it was always going to happen, and it did. I forgot to Blog my diary yesterday. Sorry All.

Everyone has come down with a cold at home. Hurrah! With my immunity being non-existent it's not surprising that my condition has worsened. It's a real struggle to get up in the morning and not feel tired all day long.

Work was testing today. Things didn't go as I had expected them to and I ended up feeling rather frustrated. So I came home with a headache, although the cold might be adding to that too.

Jess is off to her Dad's for the weekend. I will miss her loads, as always. But I hope she has a great time. She will be seeing her BF, so all is well there. Robyn got to bed at 7am this morning - so inevitably was still in bed when I got home from work. She had a fab night out in Brum though - that's what being young is all about. Neither girls had cleared the kitchen today and left it for me to find upon my return. Thanks both.

So, today's colour is a disgruntled mauve. I don't really know what colour says disgruntled but I decided mauve was close enough to how I felt.

Image of the painting so far - Days 1 to 6. 

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