Thursday 19 September 2013

18th September

A very flat day today. 9am - I went to the hospital (nothing serious) for an appointment which had been put off for months by the NHS, only to find I was seeing my own doctor! I couldn't believe it - I could have seen him months ago at my own surgery. Ho hum.

Work was flat. Not surprising really. I have lost all inspiration. Still trying to make the most of the time I have left - I want to be professional but it's very hard work putting on a brave face.

5pm. I picked up Jess and went to Mum and Dad's for tea. It was great to spend time with them and take my mind off things. Jess went dressed as a strawberry (onesy). She cheers me up no end. Thanks for being you Jess!

Robyn may be coming home tomorrow for a few days before her course starts properly. We all miss her loads so it will be fantastic to see her, even if it hasn't even been a week yet!. She seems happy.

Today is a flat browny-grey day. Sorry to be predictable...

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