Saturday 14 September 2013

14th September

Today's the day. The morning started with all 4 of us in the bed, snuggled up watching morning telly. Grandad came round with croissants so we ate them in our PJ's with lots of tea. Jess dressed a pig onesy and Robyn in a cow onsey. Very funny morning. Then it was time to get the last of the bits together to pack the car. I really don't know how we did it but we got everything plus the 4 of us into the car! Ready to go now. We stopped off for a hot choc on the motorway, passing loads of other cars piled high with stuff and nervous looking passengers. It seemed like we were just going on a family day out - so surreal. 

3pm. Arrived at the student village. Loads of people arriving and tearful parents leaving. After unpacking, we went to get the food shopping for the flat and stopped for a burger for tea. Lovely. Robyn was so strong in holding it all together. Still all very surreal. 

When it was time to leave, Robyn looked very settled in her new flat but a little girl underneath. I wanted to hold her forever. The transition is so hard yet she did so well - very proud Mum. x. Jess found it hard to say Goodbye. I felt really sorry for Jess as she is such a together person on the outside yet I can see her vulnerable self. Leaving Robyn today was like leaving your heart behind. Hubby used a lot of tissues too. No dry eyes for quite a while in the car.

Robyn had been invited out by her flat mates so they will soon settle in and love it. We returned to a not quite empty nest. Same but different. I can't wait to see her again, already. I really want to give Jess a hug too to make her feel better but she doesn't 'do' hugs much. 

Sometimes, being a Mum is like the best love affair in the world. The flipside is you get the heartache of the century too. The flashbacks to Robyn being a little girl surprised me. It's not as if I'll never see her again but it's such a milestone watching them become young adults and leaving to start their own fantastic journey. The way of the world. I know Robyn knows how much I love her. I hope Jess does too. They are so different. It's brilliant and frustrating and I love them equally. Listen to me going all slushy! I hope I've pulled myself together by tomorrow.

Nicki is getting in extra supplies of tissues in the office for Monday - bless her.
The day has made me think how hard it must have been for my parents when I left home. Or maybe they enjoyed the peace and quiet! I didn't go too far away from home and I loved seeing them every now and then. I hope they did too. I hope Robyn will want visits now and then too - but as long as she is happy and OK, I am happy for her. 

So, my phone will always be left on now - just in case (for both daughter's of course - any time) and I will get Robyn's room ready for when she comes home - arms open, smile from ear to ear.

Today's emotional yo-yo colour is Deep Purple. xxxx

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