Monday 9 September 2013

9th September

Monday morning. Oh dear. It took ages to get to sleep last night and the alarm went off all too quickly this morning in my opinion.

Work was work - came and went. Robyn has a casual shift at the Arts Centre and came into work with me this morning. I will miss driving in with her (even if we don't say a lot to each other on sleepy mornings!) and her company throughout the day. I had a blood test first thing and had to wait 45 minutes to see the phlebotomist - great.

5pm. Home. Ahhhh. Lovely to see Jess back from her first day of year 11. I can't believe she is in her final GCSE year already. A Levels next year too. They are growing up sooo quickly. Yes, I know every parent says the same... but still...

7pm. I had an Arts Group meeting at The Combermere Arms in Chapel Ash this evening. It was nice to see my friends. We are organising an Arts Festival which takes place each summer - called The Junction Festival.

9pm. Home at last. Bit of TV then bed. Today is an interesting, creative purple day.

See you tomorrow. C x

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