Saturday 14 September 2013

13th September

Apologies, once more, for forgetting to upload my blog yesterday, there was quite a bit going on what with packing etc. - but here it is.

Showered and washed my hair first thing. I had plenty of time so no-one was more surprised than me to find I was behind the morning schedule. A bit of a rush ensued. On my own at work today. Sometimes it still feels weird as there used to be quite a large team at the centre at one point.

12.30pm. An artist came to set up his exhibition. A very pleasant chappie too. That's one of the perks of doing my job - I get to meet a lot of people and artists. I hope he does well.

2.30pm. I went to a colleague's leaving do. Jobs aren't replaced now when someone leaves in the public sector and it seems like more and more are leaving with no-one left to fill the gaps. How will services will be tun in the future? - By private companies if Cameron has anything to do with it and I'm not sure that growth and profit should come before people.

7pm. Home with the girls, hubby and my parents. We are having a family meal to celebrate Robyn going off to Uni tomorrow. A mixture of pride, happiness and sadness washes over me from time to time. I wish her all the luck in the world. Robyn and I stay up together for as long as possible.

Today is a mixture of emotions - a Deep Red day. That's it.

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