Wednesday 25 September 2013

24th September

Jess is still too poorly for school. I feel bad that she has to stay at home on her own again but she sleeps most of the day anyway. She doesn't eat much either. I got to work and tried to deal with current projects in progress, although I can only do so much with tying up loose ends. So I spend the rest of the afternoon job hunting and helping Nicki set out the seats etc.

My throat is still deep red and sore- I am going to have to get to the doctors soon as it's not going away on its own accord.

5pm. Home to see Jess. Got round to having a sit down before getting ready to see my friend Lyn. Saw hubby for about 1 hour.

7pm. Out to meet Lyn. She lives quite far away so we meet half way at a pub on the A5. It was refreshing to see her and a great way to let off steam. We talk about everything in our lives and offer advice to each other. Hope all goes well with her at work and home. x

Robyn had her first proper day at her course today. She said she felt like it was the first day of school. Dressed all in black too.

Today is a poorly feeling pale blue.

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