Friday 6 September 2013

5th September

I know - I forgot to upload the Blog yesterday, and I am writing Day 5 on Day 6. It happens - get over it!

So, AM: I managed to get my breakfast at around 10am as it was quite a rush this morning. I was on my own at work so I was busy running up and down the stairs all day. Who needs the gym!

Beautiful day. Very warm, once more. I wore a vibrant blue jump suit today. Had some good feedback about this project too. I am thinking about creative ways to take the project forward, including hubby writing an accessible piece of music to go alongside the finished piece. Vision, vision..

Both girls at home together today. Jess got up at 1.30pm but also did all the ironing - Gosh. The basket was overflowing so well done her. Robyn has her provisional driving license and a little purple car. She goes out driving each day with me and she is doing tremendously well. She's out clubbing tonight in Birmingham - practice for uni, me thinks.

Nothing much of note has happened today but that's good. Today is a sunshine yellow day - the sort of day when it all goes OK and feels good.

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