Tuesday 17 September 2013

17th September

I am all over the place today. Not feeling too well either. Today is all about work. I have had some bad news today. Nothing I didn't already expect. I even had an idea about it in the past couple of months. Nothing new in today's workplace either.

So I've been thinking about work a lot. Where will I be in ten year's time? Five year's time? One year's time? What are my options? Everyone gets to that stage at some point. The problem I have is that I love what I do, what I've made of the Centre and the development created. Yes, I have considered other roles recently and had a couple of interviews but at the back of my mind I always knew where I wanted to be. Perhaps I am too settled, too happy with the status quo - but what's wrong with that if it works for me? Only on this occasion it hasn't turned out as I had hoped.

So... disappointment, disillusion, feeling undervalued - I'm really not sure what colour that would be. I am going to go with Grey as I feel blended into the background today. Just another number cruncher's victim.

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