Thursday 26 September 2013

26th September

Today was marginally better. Definitely helped by Sudofed too! It was the only way I could get up and about. It kept me going throughout the day. I found a few interesting looking jobs online but my confidence always stops me thinking I can do it. Something else I need to address.

The highlight of my day was at around 2pm when hubby dropped off a hot chocolate to me at work on his way to a meeting. That was really sweet of him. I really hope he manages to get through the next 6 months at work without going mad. It is so hard on him.

I have had to tell a few people at work about the redundancy and it's been a real surprise to read some of the emails I have had in return. The support for what I do is fantastic and that makes me feel that I've achieved something in my role.

5.20pm. Home and Robyn was on Skype. Jess and I chatted to her for about 10 minutes. Great to actually see her in her room talking to us. She has enjoyed Freshers' week at Uni.

Jess didn't go into school today as we needed to ensure her lurgy was on the way out. She's ready to go back tomorrow. I have an early start at work so it's early to bed for me- 9pm!

Today is a more confident green day, given that I am coping.

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